

Echo is a simple echo server written with elio library.


⚙️ Setting Go on WSL

Covers Go settings on WSL.

⚙️ Setting up elio

Before start, set up elio project:

git clone https://github.com/cppis/elio && cd elio
go mod vendor
export ELIO_ROOT=$(pwd)

Now, $ELIO_ROOT is the project root path.

⚙️ Setting Docker on WSL

Covers Docker settings on WSL.

⚙️ Setting Kubernetes on WSL

Covers Kind+Skaffold settings on WSL for continuous developing a Kubernetes-native app.

Running app on Host

🚀 Using go run

To run echo service, run the following command:

ECHO_IN_URL="" go run ./app/echo

You can change the listening url of service echo by changing
environment variable ECHO_IN_URL.

Running app on Kubernetes

If the kubernetes cluster does not exist, Follow the next step Create a Kind cluster.
If you have, Follow the next step ‘Using Skaffold’.

🚀 Create a Kind cluster

To create a kind, run the following command:

kind create cluster --config app/assets.k8s/kind.cluster.yaml --name elio

To check if the kind cluster is up and running, run the following command:

kubectl config current-context

🚀 Using Skaffold

To run echo using Skaffold,
run the following command:

skaffold -f app/echo/assets.k8s/skaffold.yaml dev -p dev

To debugging Skaffold, use option -vdebug.

Or, skaffold debug acts like skaffold dev, but it configures containers in pods
for debugging as required for each container’s runtime technology.

skaffold -f app/echo/assets.k8s/skaffold.yaml debug -p debug

Testing app

You can test echo easily by using telnet.

telnet localhost 7001

Echo echoes plain text, and When receives the next one character,
executes the command:

Ending app

🏁 Kubernetes resource cleanup

After running skaffold run or skaffold deploy and deploying your app to a cluster, running skaffold delete will remove all the resources you deployed. Cleanup is enabled by default, it can be turned off by --cleanup=false

🏁 Ctrl + C

When running skaffold dev or skaffold debug, pressing Ctrl+C (SIGINT signal) will kick off the cleanup process which will mimic the behavior of skaffold delete. If for some reason the Skaffold process was unable to catch the SIGINT signal, skaffold delete can always be run later to clean up the deployed Kubernetes resources.

To enable image pruning, you can run Skaffold with both --no-prune=false and --cache-artifacts=false:

skaffold dev --no-prune=false --cache-artifacts=false

🏁 Delete a Kind cluster

To delete a Kind cluster, run the following command:

kind delete cluster --name elio